Welcome back to W.H.A.R. Again everyone. This week we take a look at two addons that work well together, Squared and ISHealBot . You don’t need to be a healer to enjoy the benefits of squared and its features, since there are other plugins for it that help you assist other players and hit panic buttons. This is one of those pesky addons where libslash is needed, so dont forget to install that also.

First install squared and ISHealBot (if you would like to click cast your heals).
Once in game, type /squared to bring up the user menu.

There are many setting you can change , have some fun and play around.  In its default state, it should work fine. You may decide to change some things. I was particularly fond of the debuff and H.O.T. Tracking and moved the indicators around a bit to suit my taste.

Squared includes a basic buff throttle with it and the default settings should work. You can increase the numbers to increase performance if you need. These settings are only for the squared unit frames. Its probably a good idea ( I could be wrong here) to also run BuffThrottle along with it.

Make sure Enable Range / Los fade is checked, a very nice feature.

If you screw something up and it doesn’t work well, just click the button that says “Reset Settings”. This will open a little box, in it click “Reset to Default”

IF you choose to use ISHealBot there will be a button to open its configuration menu.

ISHealBot is simple to use, decide on how you would like to cast a heal IE:shift + left click . You must use a left click since Warhammer doesn’t allow right clicking of unit frames (Would be nice Mythic). Now open your abilities tab and drag a heal to the corresponding combination. Heal away and make your realm mates proud .

Squared is a great addon. Its easy to use, user friendly and the settings are simple to understand and it works well. It was a very hard decision to decide to stick with Healgrid. It is very difficulty getting used to not having the HUD from Healgrid there with my icon and both friendly and hostile targets on it. They are two very solid mods and you cant miss with them.  Maybe a future version will include a HUD similar to Healgrid’s.  That would definitely make me convert, but for now I will stick with Healgrid.  It has more features and the HUD I’ve come to love so much. Either way you cant go wrong so try one out and see which you like best .
